The Sea of Galilee, Boat Ride (Day 2)

Another very emotional stop for me…you can’t believe what I’m about to show you.  Still in awe myself, and I saw it live and in person.  Our last stop before lunch was a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.  Our guide Mike had brought a big bag of leftover bread for us to feed the seagulls.  They weren’t brave enough to take it right from our hands, but they flew within a foot or two of anyone who was throwing it, which was pretty much everyone.  We had a huge flock of them, mostly catching the pieces before they hit the water.  If it did happen to hit the water, it wouldn’t be there more than a second.

They played the Star Spangled Banner for us as they raised the US flag on the boat.

Then, one of my homegirls came over and showed me the picture she just took… so I had to check it out for myself and get my own picture…look at this…

That land in the background…the Mount of Beatitudes.  A rainbow in front of the Mount of Beatitudes, from a boat on the Sea of Galilee.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW.  Ya, that was a tear-jerker, especially when Pastor gave us time to reflect and pray and consider God’s love for us, and then prayed over us.  I can’t keep a dry eye typing about it.

Here’s a picture without a bird…the only one I captured.  Even though it’s not a dove, it’s a seagull, I still like it.

Next up is Tabgha.  You know the biblical relevance of that place?  Read on….

Nancy Sjuts

Nancy Sjuts MSW, CLC is a relationship/life coach at Peace Coaching Worldwide. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 305.982.7353, email us at or use the “Book a Session” button below.