The Dead Sea (Day 4)

Our day today ended with a short swim in the Dead Sea.  Evan and I both opted to not get all the way in, but got wet up to our knees.  The water was cool, but not freezing, and felt like baby oil on the skin.  People were walking around slathered with mud, which one would pay a fortune for at a spa.  People were floating with ease and one gal from our group described feeling like Iron Man flying…”standing” where they couldn’t reach.  The shore was very funky-looking…check this out:

And the bottom was slippery mud, everyone had to be really careful getting in and out or pay the price by ending up on their rear ends.

A good time was had by all.  An interesting experience!

OK, that’s it for today.  Tomorrow is a HUGE day, the Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, the tunnel (?), the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock if we can get up there, and the small group meals with the families in Bethlehem.  We will be hoofing it!!  Should have all kinds of things to say tomorrow.  For now, best get a good night’s rest because our wake-up call is 5:45AM.  Yikes.  That’s 8.5 hours from now, more sleep than I’ve gotten since the first night, so should be good.  Good night all, thanks for reading!

Nancy Sjuts

Nancy Sjuts MSW, CLC is a relationship/life coach at Peace Coaching Worldwide. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at 305.982.7353, email us at or use the “Book a Session” button below.