Welcome to my biography page! My name is Jane Sjuts and it’s nice to meet you! I hope you can get a good feel for my background, personality, and coaching style as you make the important decision of choosing the life coach that you can connect and work with to meet your personal and relational goals.
I am a mother of four children, two girls and two boys, all grown. Both of my girls are married, and each have two children, so I am also a grandmother of four, three boys and one girl. My family is the love of my life. I absolutely LOVE playing with my grandkids and showing the older ones the finer points of playing video games…sarcasm intended! (They laugh at me a LOT when I play with them.) The younger ones like to play a game we call “slow and steady”, where I chase them in slow motion…which was pure genius on my part, if I do say so myself…so I don’t run after them. I enjoy spending time with my kids whenever possible between all the activities that keep them busy in life.
I grew up in Nebraska on a farm. I am the second child and the first girl in my family of origin. I have an older brother, then myself, then another brother came after me, and then four sisters. Being between the two boys, I must admit that, growing up, I was a tomboy. I spent a lot of time with BB guns, tractors, and trucks in the sandbox. I was quite young when I started to help my mom with babies. I learned how to cook and clean and work outside on the farm. I married at the age of 18, a month after I graduated high school. We worked in town for 10 years before moving back home to start farming. I spent many hours in a tractor doing field work and hauling grain to the elevator at harvest time. The kids spent lots of time in the tractor with me. Life was busy and before I knew it the kids were all grown and gone.
I can’t say that my marriage was a smooth one, and after nearly 45 years, I left home. I am still married as I write this, but have been separated for over a year. I have been working on my recovery non-stop since I left. Since I struggle most with the characteristics of codependency, I have read countless books and articles on this subject in particular. I am a caretaker. I’ve been so focused on taking care of everyone else that I didn’t take the time to take care of myself.
You may have noticed that I have the same strange last name as my youngest sister, Nancy Sjuts. She has become my mentor in my coaching endeavors. She has been working in this field for many years and has introduced me to Bowen, Internal Family Systems and Brainspotting which has been a tremendous help to me in my recovery. As I was studying, I became excited about what I was learning and approached Nancy about becoming a life coach. The idea of helping others to find a different way of looking at things is very appealing to me and so “the baby was born.”
I have been growing in my knowledge of how to work through my codependency issues and it has been very empowering to gain more confidence in myself with the new insights I’ve learned. You might be wondering what kind of issues are predominant in codependency? These issues include having little or no voice, being other-focused, a fear of abandonment, and not feeling good enough or worthy of love, just to name a few.
If this feels like you, I would love to sit down with you and help you find ways to free yourself from these harmful (both to yourself and relationally with others) ways of thinking. I will be very understanding of how you feel and think because I was in your shoes not that long ago. The journey isn’t necessarily an easy one, nor is it a quick one, but it is so well worth the effort. I can’t tell you which road to take but I can show you alternate routes that you can choose from. Ultimately the choice is yours. What do YOU want the rest of your life to look like?
- Codependency Recovery
- Narcissistic Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Physical Abuse
Certified Life Coach. Mentoring with Nancy Sjuts and Kristen Swart on Bowen, Internal Family Systems and Brainspotting. Countless hours of research on abuse and codependency.
I am, first of all, a Christian. Second, I love spending time with the kids and grandkids. I also enjoy spending time with my siblings. I enjoy the outdoors. Watching a beautiful sunset or sunrise makes my day. I enjoy crafts, making something out of nothing, painting and drawing. I am a Nebraska Husker fan, Go Big Red. I like watching movies and reading has become a passion as well.