The Importance of Self Care
This is a topic that I’ve written on before, but I think it is a good idea to revisit it from time to time. I know that I, for one, need reminders in this area. Today we are going to…
This is a topic that I’ve written on before, but I think it is a good idea to revisit it from time to time. I know that I, for one, need reminders in this area. Today we are going to…
Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? How can confidence and humility live together in the same phrase? That is exactly what I want to discuss today. Make yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and let’s tackle this unusual, seemingly…
Recently I was in on a very interesting discussion on the topic of “fairness.” Wow, was it good! We were talking about how fair or not life can be, and I asked some questions to see how those around me…
What’s So Amazing About Grace? is actually the name of a book authored by Philip Yancey. Back when I was going through my divorce a few years ago, it was extremely important to me to be able to leave it without any leftover…
I had a client ask me one time, “Where does peace come from?” You see, I have a mug in my office that has a saying on it about peace, and I think it captures the feeling that most everyone…
I had a client ask me one time, “Where does peace come from?” You see, I have a mug in my office that has a saying on it about peace, and I think it captures the feeling that most everyone…
Thank you for stopping by the Waiting Room today! I just made my favorite cup of coffee, Wild Blueberry with cream and 2 sugars, and I have a topic all ready to go so let’s get to it. I wanted…
What? What the heck does that mean, right? That’s what I would like to discuss today. Grab a cup of coffee (I’m having Wild Mountain Blueberry, yummy!) and let’s get to it. One of my many mentors, Jerry Wise, brought up…