
Healing the Child Within: Discovery & Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families by Charles Whitfield
Dr. Whitfield provides a clear and effective introduction to the basic principles of recovery. This book is a modern classic, as fresh and useful today as it was more than a decade ago when first published. Here, frontline physician and…

Inner Bonding: Becoming a Loving Adult to Your Inner Child
Inner bonding is the process of connecting our adult thoughts with our instinctual, gut feelings—the feelings of the “inner child”—so that we can minimize painful conflict within ourselves. Free of inner conflict, we feel peaceful, open to joy, and open…

Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy
Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement and Touch in Practice by Susan McConnell Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness…Somatic IFS introduces a new therapeutic modality that blends principles of somatic therapy–like movement, touch, and breathwork–with the traditional tools of the Internal Family…

There’s A Part of Me… Book by Jon Schwartz, Bill Brennan
There’s a Part of Me . . . is not about psychotherapy. It’s about a way to use key ideas from IFS to improve your everyday life and your relationships with others. It’s a way to understand yourself and learn…

Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life by Tom Holmes
Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) provides a revolutionary treatment plan for PTSD, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and more. Amazon.com