Marriage Killer
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about victims. There really are true victims in this world, of course…people who have been negatively affected by the actions of others through no fault or no choosing of their own. People who died…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 3
We’ll make this the last post of this short series about affairs. I promised you titles of some good books on the subject. There are a couple that we recommend frequently where I work. “Surviving An Affair” by Willard Harley…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 2
Welcome back for Part 2 of a quick series on affair-related issues. I thought today we could look at the other side of the coin. We talked about the person whose spouse strayed, but what about the person who did…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 1
Thank you for stopping by the Waiting Room today. I’m so glad you did! Today’s topic is actually inspired by request…I have a few friends who read my blog who are either close to folks who are dealing with affair…
Infidelity Statistics
I recently saw some statistics on infidelity in a magazine in another waiting room, and I felt compelled to share. The numbers were absolutely staggering! I didn’t check the scientific methods of this particular website, but just googled infidelity statistics…