
The Importance of Self Care
This is a topic that I’ve written on before, but I think it is a good idea to revisit it from time to time. I know that I, for one, need reminders in this area. Today we are going to…
Black, White, or Gray?
I was visiting after our staff meeting today with one of my collegues, Jenn Lance, and she said something that stuck with me. She said, “I can see other people in shades of gray, but most times I only see…
Self-Care Is Imperative
I thought today I would give you a quick update on what’s going on with me, but I promise to make a good therapeutic point, too, since you went to the trouble to stop by! I am taking my first…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 2
Welcome back for Part 2 of a quick series on affair-related issues. I thought today we could look at the other side of the coin. We talked about the person whose spouse strayed, but what about the person who did…
Don’t Tackle Addictions Alone
I recently met a woman with a couple of very powerful addictions, we’ll call her Denise (not her real name). Denise was quite guarded with me at first, but she confided in me that she has had 2 addictions in particular for almost…