We See Things As We Are
I have another quote today that spoke to me, and I just wanted to say a couple of quick words about it. “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin Here’s another…
Grief, With A Large Side-Order Of Fear…
Although I admittedly have not read many of his books, I’ve come to find through hearing told some stories he has written (The Lion, The Witch, & the Wardrobe comes to mind) reading some quotes by him, and hearing his name here and…
Just What Are You Insinuating?
I just made myself a cup of Chocolate Donut Coffee. Yep! It’s actually not too bad. Enough sugar and cream can make any cup of coffee tolerable. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join me for a few minutes…
The Meaning of Life
Whoa! Pretty deep, huh? The meaning of life, really? We’re talking no small potatoes for a blog topic. We’re going to go deep today, guys. Would you believe a 36-year-old wannabe therapist who works as an assistant in a waiting…
“The Secret”
I watched a movie called “The Secret” yesterday. It is sort of a documentary type film that wants to teach us how to think and feel so we can attract good things in our lives. It was really interesting, and…
When We Know Better
OK, I know I’ve talked about this before, but it’s something that I struggle with, so I’m going to blog about it somemore, and preach some more to myself. I need to talk myself into some things, so you can…
Infidelity Statistics
I recently saw some statistics on infidelity in a magazine in another waiting room, and I felt compelled to share. The numbers were absolutely staggering! I didn’t check the scientific methods of this particular website, but just googled infidelity statistics…
How To Get Respect
Did you catch it? If you did, I’m thoroughly impressed. If you’ve been keeping up with my blog and read the one I posted entitled “Drop Your Pen” not too long ago, you might be saying to yourself “what is she…
Don’t Tackle Addictions Alone
I recently met a woman with a couple of very powerful addictions, we’ll call her Denise (not her real name). Denise was quite guarded with me at first, but she confided in me that she has had 2 addictions in particular for almost…
Drop Your Pen
I have to give props to my friend and co-worker Jerry Wise for today’s topic. It has been something that was a profound insight for me in seeing things in myself and others; not only helping me accept people for…