Making Sure The Next One is Mr/Mrs Right Pt 3
What about if I’m married to Mr. Can’t Meet My Needs? (I apologize for the length…we have a lot of ground to cover.) “So,” you say, “I’ve decided I want to grow and be more balanced. I’ve searched and sought…
Making Sure The Next One is Mr/Mrs Right Pt 2
So, we left off on the cusp of a couple of pretty big questions and their answers. No more waiting…let’s get right down to business. To recap, our girl Kim has some intimacy issues. She has an allergy to intimacy…
Making Sure The Next One is Mr./Mrs. Right Pt. 1
This is going to be a two- or three-part blog, because I am feeling verbose on this subject! I’ve been inspired! One post just isn’t going to cut it. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a fan of Family Systems Theory. Thankfully…
Will My Issues Ever Be Completely Cured?
Recently I’ve been around a couple of dialogues involving this question, and I remember early on in my own couch work/education, asking my therapist this very thing. Having now done a great deal of my own recovery work, I thought…
Self-Care Is Imperative
I thought today I would give you a quick update on what’s going on with me, but I promise to make a good therapeutic point, too, since you went to the trouble to stop by! I am taking my first…
Family Systems Theory, A Tiny Morsel
One of the therapists I work with, and who also has a blog (see link at the bottom of this page), is Jerry Wise. I call him “Yoda” because “the Jedi force” is strong with him! He has an uncanny, and sick…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 3
We’ll make this the last post of this short series about affairs. I promised you titles of some good books on the subject. There are a couple that we recommend frequently where I work. “Surviving An Affair” by Willard Harley…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 2
Welcome back for Part 2 of a quick series on affair-related issues. I thought today we could look at the other side of the coin. We talked about the person whose spouse strayed, but what about the person who did…
Dealing With An Affair, Part 1
Thank you for stopping by the Waiting Room today. I’m so glad you did! Today’s topic is actually inspired by request…I have a few friends who read my blog who are either close to folks who are dealing with affair…
That Dangerous “E” Word
I have had the same word coming up over and over in my mind, crossing my path in several different situations and contexts, for the past few months. For whatever reason, it’s just been a glaring theme that keeps popping…