“Bad It!”
I’m thoroughly enjoying a much needed vacation this week! I do enjoy blogging very much, but haven’t had as much time as I’d like to do it lately, with the end of the spring semester and all. I ended up…
I’m The One! (or How to Stop Fighting)
A couple of months ago, I went to a therapist training seminar for Imago Relationship Therapy. This is the theory proposed by Harville Hendrix in his books “Getting the Love You Want”, “Keeping the Love You Find,” “Receiving Love,” and…
Marriage Killer
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about victims. There really are true victims in this world, of course…people who have been negatively affected by the actions of others through no fault or no choosing of their own. People who died…
Effective Communication?
Today I wanted to touch on a subject that comes up all the time when people call in for a therapy appointment: communication. More times than not, the people I talk to looking for help cite failure to communicate effectively…
To Forgive or Not to Forgive
I need to have a little chat with myself today, so I thought I’d invite you in to join me. It’s a little less strange….right? OK, maybe not, but humor me…maybe you’ve had this same struggle. So most of us…
I Have You Under My Control
I had a client ask me one time, “Where does peace come from?” You see, I have a mug in my office that has a saying on it about peace, and I think it captures the feeling that most everyone…
Beware The Timeless Lizard
Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) is based on the work of Harville Hendrix PhD., author of Getting The Love You Want, Keeping the Love You Find, and Giving the Love That Heals. For a simple definition of Imago Theory, try www.therapy4couples.com…
Defending Boundaries With Finesse
Thanks for stopping by today! I apologize that I have not been blogging more often lately…grad school is proving demanding of my extra time. I appreciate you coming again to read my latest post. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about…
What Are You Ruminating About?
Today’s topic is about something that hit me while I was sitting in class the other day. The teacher said that she realized she had been “ruminating” about a visit with a client of hers for two days afterward. She…
Do The 5 Love Languages Illuminate Our Issues?
I’ve been thinking about this blog all week. The topic is something that kinda jumped up unexpectedly into my thoughts, and now I’m thinking that I may use it as a research project when the time comes, for my graduate studies. Awhile…