mountain ranges during sunset



Let It Go

The longer I live, the more I realize that peace comes to me when I let go, not when I hold on.  The thing to let go of that causes the resulting feeling of peace the most?  Control.  Ya, we…

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About Therapy

Maybe it feels like Groundhog Day.  A hamster wheel that never stops.  The never-ending rollercoaster ride to Perdition.  You’ve tried and tried and tried to make a relationship work, or to talk yourself into feeling better.  It’s not working.  Can’t…

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There Is No Substitute

What a beautiful morning!  There is a bird singing outside my window and the sunrise was breathtaking. While it is not my norm, I am more of a night owl, I woke up early this morning and couldn’t go back…

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The Secret Garden

It feels so good to be blogging again!  I have brewed myself a cup of Wild Mountain Blueberry coffee and I’m curled up with my iPad, a blanket, and a kitty laying by me…ready to indulge in something I have…

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Step Four, Check!

As promised in my post “Step Three, Check!“, this entry is to report, and celebrate, MY GRADUATION!!!!  You may all now call me “Master”, HA HA!  My official moniker is now Nancy J. Eisenman, MSW.  My master’s degree in social…

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Healthy Conflict

I know, right?  What a yucky topic: conflict.  You might be saying, “I don’t like conflict!”  Not many people do.  It’s just uncomfortable and many folks are straight-up conflict avoidant.  Besides, how could conflict be healthy?  Isn’t conflict bad, and…

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