Final Thoughts/Traveling Home (Day 12)
Our flight left at 6:15am from Tel Aviv. Last glimpses of Israel from the air. We boarded the bus for the airport at midnight and rode for around 2 hours to get there. We went through line after line after…
Bet She’an (Day 11)
Last stop on the tour train is Bet She’an. It is the world class in terms of it’s examples of Roman ruins The city here really is something to see. Pretty amazing. Here is the model of the area. There…
Mt Gilboa (Day 11)
You may remember me mentioning Mt Gilboa when we visited Gideon’s Spring. Mt Gilboa is nearby to the spring. This is the mountain above the valley where Saul and David met Goliath and the Philistines. The exact place is not…
Mt Tabor/Mount of Transfiguration (Day 11)
What a God-thing. We only got to go to Mt Tabor because of the rain. It really ended up being a special trip. We left on the bus and could see the mountain as we approached. We drove through a…
Tour Life (Day 11)
This is our last day of touring, and whoa what a doozy! We went to another place pastor had never been before. First thing in the morning we went to the place I wanted to go to the second most.…
Caesarea Phillipi (Day 10)
This area is where my screen-shot of my map was taken…way up north in the Golan Heights, almost to Lebanon and Syria. This place was a place of massive pagan worship to the Roman gods, particularly the Roman god Pan.…
Tel Dan (Day 10)
So if you remember way back to Tel Megiddo, the word “Tel” means that it’s an area that has been built up, one civilization on top of another. In the case of Megiddo, it was 26 layers, one on top…
Tour Life (Day 10)
Day 10, again, was a bit slower paced, and we spent longer at our two destinations with more hiking involved. Thankfully, I was feeling a bit better this day because we did some walking. I think I ended up with…
Kibbutz Deganya B (Day 9)
Our guide for the hike extension, Eitan, had gone to live on a kibbutz when he turned 15. The one he went to is on the southern end of the Sea of Galilee, and we happened to drive right by…
Kursi (Day 9)
On the Northeast side of the Sea of Galilee, we are entering the area of the Golan Heights…where all the conflict was happening round about the 1990s, among other times. There are still mine field signs right by the road,…