Pink Water Lily Flower on Water

Nancy Sjuts

Bethlehem Meal (Day 5)

(Before I continue, one brief note…if you are a person I might text normally, I have not been able the send or receive texts for the last 24-36 hours.  Don’t worry, I’m OK…just can’t see or send texts.) Also, to…

Tour Life (Day 5)

Tonight is our meal with the family in Bethlehem.  We won’t get back until around 8:30PM local time.  Today we had almost 10.000 steps in before lunch, and I have caught the cough that has been going through the bus.…

Qumran (Day 4)

Qumran is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 by a shepherd boy who was originally from Bethlehem.  Fitting!  The scrolls were scriptures on scrolls that were remarkably close to the translations of Bible we already had, but…